- A valid license from cPanel, either for 15 days free trial -, or from paid license -
- 64bit operation system, minimum 1 GB RAM — 2 GB recommended, minimum 20 GB disk space — 40 GB recommended
- Deactivate firewall
- CentOS, CloudLinux, and RHEL 7 — Use the XFS® or ext4 filesystems; Other operation systems with ext3 or ext4
- Disable Network Manager
- Static IP, DHCP is now going to work, no private IP
- Independent domain name serves as host name and should not be included in the hosted domains.
- Disable SELinux
> Please copy the following command and run it on your Linux server with root permission,
yum -y update curl cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest
- You may purchase your own license at .