> Please navigate to https://googlechrome.github.io/devtools-samples/debug-js/get-started in your Google Chrome Browser Using Incognito Mode
> Please open the Developer Tools pane.
> Please click on the Sources tab
> Please click on the get-started.js file and its code will be displayed in the Code Editor pane, In the File Navigator pane, under the Network tab
> Please insert a line-of-code breakpoint to tell Dev Tools to pause the script execution
> To help you determine bugs/fixes for the code you are troubleshooting –at the particular line you choose.
> For this, just click on the number (at the left of the line of code) in the Code Editor pane
For example: click on line 32 of the get-started.js file.
> Please enter a value into the Number 1 and Number 2 fields on the actual page,
> Please click on the Add Number 1 and Number 2 button
> Please click on the arrow beside the Scope to expand the view to display the Local and Global variable options in the JavaScript Debugger pane
> Please click on the arrow beside the Local to expand the view to include the current values of the variables
> Please enter the following line of code into the Console:
parseInt(addend1) + parseInt(addend2)
> Please press enter key
> To replace the code at line 31 with the following code:
var sum = parseInt(addend1) + parseInt(addend2);
> Please press Ctrl + s to save the script
> Please click on the Deactivate breakpoints icon
> Please click on the Add Number 1 and Number 2 button to recalculate