Drupal is a well-known Content management system that is widely used worldwide.
The very first requirement of user is they need the best performance, the best loading speed.
So in order to fulfil this requirement of the user, you can optimize your website performance by taking care of the below aspects.
Method 1: Enable Caching.
Enabling caching will helps to load website content faster. You can do by following steps:
Log in to Admin section > Site configurations > Performance.
Enable the Block cache option, if it is not enabled.
Save the changes.
Method 2: Optimize Drupal database:
You need to install the Drupal Database management module.
Once you install it you have to activate it from the Admin section > Site configurations > DB maintenance.
Choose the tables and click on optimize now.
Method 3: Optimize the site files:
Log in to the admin section
Site configuration > Performance
Enable page compression to optimize CSS and javascript files.
Also remove the unwanted modules which you are not using to reduce the load from the site.