OleDB connection string examples
MS Access (Jet)
"PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA Source=[Path to database];User ID=Admin;Password=dbpassword"
- Please use Server.Mappath function to identify Path to your database. For example, if the database file is in the /database directory under your webroot, please use server.mappath("/database/test.mdb"). You can also insert the full path as an alternative. You can find the path in the Site Info Manager section in your CP
- If your Access Database is not password protected, please omit the User Id and Password attributes.
"Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=[SQLServerName];Initial Catalog=[DatabaseName];User Id=[SQL Login];Password=[SQL Password]"
Note :
- Please consider using the .NET native SQL data provider rather than using Ole for ASP.NET applications.
- The SQL server information can be found in the site tools section of CP.