If you are getting the 404/405 error on Web API put request, please update web.config file to...
"HTTP Error 500.34 - ANCM Mixed Hosting Models Not Supported"?If you are getting this error when running the core application on our web server. HTTP...
301 Redirect from Default.aspx to RootRedirect to Please create a web.config...
301 redirect, www redirect, domain redirectPlease create a web.config file in your root directory if it's not already there. And then put...
404 Not Found Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd - ReportViewerReports can be shown. However, the icon images show errors while checking the image link.For...
ASP.NET 4.0 application error: Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'If you are experiencing the following error when you attempt to open your web application: An...
ASP.NET Core 502.3 - Bad GatewayBy default, the ASP.NET Core request time out is 2 minutes, and we can change it via request...
ASP.NET MVC - MetadataException: Unable to load the specified metadata resourceAfter publishing the, MVC project to the product server, getting: MetadataException:...
ASP.NET and ASP connection strings for MSSQL and Access databasesAccess Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\mydatabase.mdb Ex:asp set...
ASP.NET app is returning Server Error in '/' Application.Please follow these steps to see the actual error message Edit your web.config, change...
ASP.NET is returning Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider when connecting to mysql databaseIf you are using + mysql database,you might receive the following error on the hosting...
After MVC 4.0 web application deployed, getting HTTP 404 Page Not FoundIt works perfectly well when tested it using the VS 2010/2012 debugging dev server. After MVC 4.0...
Allow or deny IP access to a specific IP address through web.configYou can restrict IP address to accessing your site by adding the code in your site's web.config...
An unhandled exception has occurred: Cannot find compilation library location for package 'Microsoft.Win32.Registry'You got the below error if you have core 2.0 MVC application running in Windows Server...
COULD NOT SAVE PASSWORD RESET KEY TO DATABASE: WORDPRESS ADMIN LOG IN ERRORThis error occurs when you try to reset the WordPress admin password You can fix this error by...
Change wordpress dashboard languageWordpress is widely used CMS so it is possible that some users would like to access wordpress in...
Changes are not showing in the wordpress siteThis issue occurs mostly due to caching function on the WordPress website. In order to fix this...
Classic ASP Changing, Date, Time, and Currency FormatIf you are hosting in another country, here is how to change the date, time, and/or currency...
Connect to MySQL with ASP.Net<%@ import namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ import namespace=""...
Connect to MySQL with PHP<h1>MySQL Test Code Results</h1> <p><table border="1"> <tr>...
Connection to database fails-DNN errorWhile accessing your DNN application in the web browser if you face Connection to database failed...
Core-to-Core: Converting a Framework-Dependent App to Self-Contained in Visual StudioBelow are the steps on how to change a Framework-Dependent .NET Core application to a...
Could not connect to MYSQL- JoomlaSuch error occurs when you have entered an incorrect database connection details in the...
Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit' or one of its dependenciesIt misses the AjaxControlToolkit.dll in the bin directory after you deploy the site. Please...
DNN- Parsing error.The parsing error may arise when you are installing DNN via a 1-click web installer. In order to...
Database timeout expiredWhile connecting your ASP.NET application to the MSSQL database if you face the below error...
Disable WP_CRON.PHPThe wp-cron.php file handles the schedule task which helps user to schedule the post however,...
Do you allow custom COM components?Do you allow custom COM components? We are not offering to install the custom COM components...
Dou you support Crystal Reports?Yes, We do support Crystal Reports in all our Windows Servers.
Duplicate section defined in web.config errorIf you are getting these errors "There is a duplicate section defined", the reason...
Entity FrameworkWhat is Entity Framework? Entity Framework is the framework ORM (object-relational mapping) that...
Error when accessing a WCF servicesError when accessing a WCF services Error when accessing a WCF service: "IIS specified...
Error: Keyword not supported: 'initial catalog'.When you get an error like it means that you may miss the "providername" meta in your database...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect() inWhen you try to use mssql_connect() to connect to the MSSQL server, you'll get a Fatal error:...
Fix "The request filtering module is configured to deny a request where the query string is too long"Please Increase the maximum query string size by setting the maxQueryString attribute on the...
Fix WordPress issue "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted"The WP_MEMORY_LIMIT option allows you to specify the maximum amount of memory that can be...
Getting a blank page after publish Crystal Reports 13 ( Visual Studio 2010 ) to IIS?Why I am getting a blank page after publishing Crystal Reports 13 ( Visual Studio 2010 ) to IIS?\...
Getting blank page after publish Crystal Reports 13 to IIS with ASP.NET 4.6?Please Copy crystalreportviewers13 to your site root and Add the below lines in web.config of the...
Getting error 'The request filtering module is configured to deny a request that contains a double escape sequence.' with PHP siteIf you are getting this error message your PHP site: HTTP Error 404.11 - Not FoundThe request...
Getting the error: "provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified"This error usually indicates that your application is trying to connect to a SQL Express...
Got error "Could not load file or assembly..." when run MVCserver Error in '/' Application.Configuration ErrorDescription: An error occurred during the...
HTML to PDF Conversion Using Syncfusion PDFAssemblies Require following Syncfusion.Compression.Base.dll...
How do I use SQLite Database with my ASP.NET site?To use SQLite, please make sure you do the following: -Please specify the following in your...
How to Create a phpinfo Page to View Your PHP Settings?> Please Log into your cPanel. > Please go to the Files section > File Manager option...
How to Fix WordPress Download Failed Errors while Updating or installing new plugins/themesIf you face an error while installing WordPress OR installing new plugins or themes, it may be...
How to Use Node Services in ASP.NET CoreYou can use easily use Node.js in your ASP.NET Core application with...
How to WordPress and WordPress plug-ins automatically without FTPWhen you update the WordPress OR WordPress plugin you have to provide FTP credentials but many...
How to cache static contents to client with UseMaxAge?You can consider to caches static contents to the client with UseMaxAge if your website has too...
How to change footer- JoomlaHere are the steps to change the footer of your Joomla website: Step 1: Log in to the hosting...
How to change prefix database table name of WordPress?How to change prefix database table name of WordPress? 2 ways to change the wordpress...
How to config ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT for ASP.NET Core Application?Update web.config with an <environmentVariables> section under <aspNetCore>...
How to convert .htaccess file to web.config file?When you have your URL rewrite in your htaccess file, you have to convert the code into a...
How to enable wordpress cronIn order to add WordPress cron, please open the wp-config.php file from your site root folder and...
How to fix "Parser Error Message: Could not create type 'WebService1.Service1'." on web service siteIf you are getting the below error when you publish your site to the hosting account: Parser...
How to force to use TLS 1.2 while making the HTTP request?In .NET 4.0 default transport-level security standard is TLS 1.1. The solution is to upgrade the...
How to get API key for wordpress and why do we need API Key?WordPress API Key grants you the permission to use various WordPress services, for example,...
How to have .net application to use the .html extension instead of .aspx?Please try to update in your web.cofig file: <configuration> <system.web>...
How to integrate SSRS into How to modify database prefix in wordpressYou can see the WordPress database prefix from wp-config.php file which is located inside the...
How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS?Use the following code to the web.config file in the site's root folder of your site: <?xml...
How to remove trailing slash using IIS Rewrite?You can use the example code below to remove trail slash from a URL.ex: Turn...
How to resolve "It is an error to use a section registered..." error message on your ASP.NET site.If your ASP.NET site receives the following error message: Configuration ErrorDescription: An...
How to send email from Opencart?Please follow these steps to set up the email service for your Opencart website. -Please log in...
How to send smtp emails with PHPMailer?You have to get PHPMailer from and upload all PHP files in...
How to set culture in web.config to change datetime format?When you see the errors mentioned below in your web application while accessing it. String was...
How to setup my connection string to communicate SQL server with encryption?The below example specifies the use of encryption, Essentially you are using the connection...
How to solve error 'Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: Request failed'.We do support ASP.NET Full Trust Level to all of our customer, but if you still got error as...
How to solve error 'Keyword not supported: 'provider''?If your application shows an error 'Keyword not supported: 'provider'' That is...
How to troubleshoot "HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure" with .net coreCommon causes of this issue: The application process failed to start- The application process...
How to turn off php display_errors with ini_set function?display_error determines that errors should be printed to the screen as part of the output or if...
How to update PHP timezone in your websiteYou cannot change the server timezone however you can use the PHP function to set the timezone in...
How to upgrade NopCommerce to higher verionHere we discuss the steps to upgrade the NopCommerce to a higher version as NopCommerce doesn’t...
How to use ASP.NET Session State ServerStateServer mode stores session state in a process referred to as the ASP.NET state service, that...
Implementing a code to exclude a folder from wordpress permalinksHow to exclude a folder from WordPress permalinks? Sometimes in some cases, WordPress Rewrite...
Increase Maximum execution time for wordpress websiteWhile updating WordPress OR themes and plugins, sometimes code takes too much time to execute on...
Insert data into an MS SQL database with .NET SQL Data Provider in ASP.NET<%@ import namespace="" %> <Script runat="server"> Sub page_load...
Internal server error- wordpressThe 500-Internal server error occurs more often which means something wrong with the site that...
Joomla-IIS URL rewriteIn order to set IIS URL rewrite in Joomla, you have to paste the below mentioned code in your web...
LEVERAGE BROWSER CACHING- WORDPRESSYou will often noticed the Leverage browser caching warning while checking website performance...
Learn to change collation of MSSQL databaseBefore proceeding further to change the database collation, please make sure that no user is...
Login failed for user IFCIf you are getting an error message like Login failed for user 'IFC\WIN50XX$', that means...
MVC using mysql returns “'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory' does not implement the IServiceProvider interface”If you are receiving this error while using your MVC with MySQL database:...
NopCommerce 4.10 - Slow because of High memory usage.We have checked the changes that garbage collection do not require to rebuild the Nop.web, you...
OleDB connection string examplesOleDB connection string examples MS Access (Jet) "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA...
PHP flush doesn't work in IISBelow is a working example code on how to get PHP flush to work in IIS:...
PHP flush in IISThe code mentioned below is the working example of PHP flush in IIS....
Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc, Version=10.5.3700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' or one of its dependencies.How to solve this error after you published your Crystal Report to our server? Caused by: If...
Parser Error Message: The connection name 'LocalSqlServer' was not found in the applications configuration or the connection string is emptyIf you are receiving this application error message from your web application. The solution is to...
Persits ASPEmail sample codeYou can use the SMTP server assigned to your account "" as the SMTP outgoing...
Persits ASPUpload sample codeFilename: aspupload1.asp Please be the site that /aspuploud directory exist on your website...
Query a SQL database with ASP using a DSN-less connection<%Dim cnnSimple ' ADO connectionDim rstSimple ' ADO recordsetSet cnnSimple =...
Query an Access 2007 database with ASP using a DSN-less connection<% Dim cnnSimple ' ADO connection Dim rstSimple ' ADO recordset Set cnnSimple =...
Query an Access Database with OleDB in<%@ import namespace="" %> <Script runat="server"> Sub page_load Dim...
Query an Access database with ASP using a DSN-less connection<% Dim cnnSimple ' ADO connection Dim rstSimple ' ADO recordset Set cnnSimple =...
Query an Access database with a DSN/ODBC source<% Dim cnnSimple ' ADO connection Dim rstSimple ' ADO recordset Set cnnSimple =...
Query an MS Access 2007 Database with OleDB in<%@ import namespace="" %> <Script runat="server"> Sub page_load Dim...
Query an MS Access Database with PHPBelow is a PHP script to connect to an MS Access database using ODBC DSN. <html>...
Query an SQL database with .NET SQL Data Provider in ASP.NET<%@ import namespace="" %> <Script runat="server"> Sub page_load...
Query an SQL database with .NET SQL Data Provider in ASP.NET<%@ import namespace="" %> <Script runat="server">...
Quick Start Node.JSWe are hosting node.js applications in IIS on Windows via IISNode, so you need to update the...
Redirect Your Primary Domain to a SubdirectoryPlease create a new .htaccess file in your site root folder and place the below code in it:...
Redirect a subdomain to a subdirectoryYou can redirect a subdomain to a subdirectory by using ASP or code. When the requests...
Remove aspx extension using IIS RewriteTo remove aspx extension or other extensions such as php , or asp, you can use the below IIS...
SQL server- network related or instance-specific error happened while connection establishingInstance-specific or network related error happening while connecting to SQL server Please...
Sample Code About Sending Emails Via GmailASP.NET - C# <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...
Scheduled post- WordPressIf you would like to post something in future at a particular time then WordPress provides a...
Send email in ASP.NETVB.NET Code Sample <%@ Page Language="VB" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Net.Mail"...
Session conflicting- WordPress errorSession conflict happens when you have hosted more than 1 WordPress site on a single domain...
Set redirection in your codeYou can set redirection from to by following these steps...
System.Security.SecurityException: Request failed'.When you receive the below error: Description: The application attempted to perform an operation...
The URL-encoded form data is not valid ErrorYou may see a "The URL-encoded form data is not valid" error. while posting a large amount of...
The request filtering module is configured to deny a request that contains a double escape sequence. PHP errorThe error is referred to below. HTTP Error 404.11 - Not FoundThe request filtering module is...
This collection already contains an address with scheme http. There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection.Add this code to the web.config file of your wcf site <system.serviceModel>...
Too many redirects in wordpress siteThere are several reasons behind too many redirections in the WordPress site, here we discuss...
Unable to update the EntitySet 'xxxxx' because it has a DefiningQuery and no <InsertFunction> element exists in the <ModificationFunctionMapping> element to support the current operation.In order to fix this error, please check this: Make sure you have ''xxxxxxx" table in your...
Undefined index: in /administrator/templates/isis/html/message.php on line 24- Joomla errorWhen you face the the below error while accessing your joomla application: Undefined index:...
Validation of viewstate MAC failedWhen you access your site and you notice the below error message in your web browser:...
Ways to disable deprecated function notice in PHPOnce PHP upgrade to the new version they possibly depreciate some functions. If you are using...
Website stuck in maintenance mode- wordpressA maintenance mode means to show a console to your website visitor that your website is under...
WordPress Multisite issue on IISSave the back up of the current wp-config.php file from the site root folder. Copy and replace...
WordPress- Error establishing database connectionWhen you notice "Error establishing database connection" message while accessing your site, which...
WordPress-White screen of death errorWhen you access your site and you notice an empty screen with white background in your web...
Wordpress admin URL is being redirected to other domainMany time you will notice that when you are accessing a WordPress URL it is being redirected to...
Wordpress arabic URL error on IIS serverWhile accessing an Arabic URL such as /ar/product-categories/الأرز/ shows a 404 error on IIS it...
connect to Access 2007 with PHP<?php //create an instance of the ADO connection object $conn = new COM ("ADODB.Connection")...
connect to MySQL via ASP<% Dim cnnSimple ' ADO connection Dim rstSimple ' ADO recordset Set cnnSimple =...
how to fix error “This type of page is not served.” error when trying to browse on *.cshtml filesIf you are getting error message below with a simple .cshtml file after you published your...
how upload files via website using FTP methodFile Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a common method used for transferring files between a local...
mailSettings, defaultCredentials setup in web.config<configuration> <> <mailSettings> <smtp...
non-latin characters in URLsNon Latin characters in URLs. When you try to access wordpress URL you will notice some URL is...
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