MySQL Workbench is an open-source software to interact with the databases hosted on a server from your local OR computer.
Please follow the below steps to How to setup MySQL database connection with MySQL Workbench:
Step 1: Please download MySQL workbench from the below link::
Step 2: Install it on your local PC.
Step 3: Open MySQL workbench software.
Step 4: Tap on + icon next to MySQL connections
Step 5: Here you have to enter all the required details to set up a new connection, the details are as follows:
Connection name: enter your connection name.
Connection method: Keep it as the default standard (TCP/IP)
Hostname: Hostname of your database OR IP address of the database server.
Port: Keep is as default 3306
Username: Enter the database username.
Password: enter the password of the database you have created.
Step 6: Here you have to enter your password in Store password on connection and then Tap on Ok.
Step 7: Click on test connection.
Step 8: Here you will the success message if there is no error like below:
Successfully made the MYSQL connection.